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World Positive Thinkers


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Join us weekly to be motivated, entertained and inspired by some of the world's top positive thinkers. Founded in 1995, our organization includes over 500 notable Positive Thinkers from all walks of life, including the late Dr. Norman Vincent Peale (Best-selling author of The Power of Positive Thinking), Zig Ziglar, Chuck Norris, Jim Palmer (Hall of Fame baseball pitcher), and Florida Senator Marcio Rubio, just to name a few. Our purpose is to recognize and honor Positive Thinkers who overcome seemingly insurmountable difficulties to make a positive contribution to the world and who are willing to help others do the same.

On-Demand Episodes

Tim Redmond is CEO of Redmond Growth Initiatives (RGI), an organization designed to help you grow your profits, grow your business and grow your life through Tim's innovative coaching process. With his extensive business... more

Listen up to Diane Thomi Dare to be more as she explains 'Victory in the Valley.'

Mary was born with bi-lateral hip dysplasia. At in 1990, the age of 39, barely able to climb stairs or stand for any length of time, I qualified for two total hip replacement surgeries. I savored my new life without pain but felt paralyzed by... more

Todd Huston is an international speaker, author, world record- holding mountain climber. Todd knows how to overcome incredible challenges. When his legs got caught in the propeller of a boat at age 14, his life was radically changed. He... more

Dorinda Makanaonalani Nicholsonwas born in Hawaii to a Hawaiian mother and a Caucasian father. She debuted in hula at age three dancing with her mother in Waikiki. When she was six years old, she and her father watched from their... more

Motivational humorist, Kay Francis has shared her message to lighten up, stress less and take care of ourselves in 40 states and Canada for over 30 years. She holds a Masters degree in business administration, a degree in health and... more

LeAnn Thieman 100 little babies lay three and four to a cardboard box, strapped in the belly of a gutted cargo jet. Saigon was falling to the communists - - and LeAnn was caught up in the Vietnam Orphan Airlift. A former nurse, LeAnn is... more

Terri Norville is the winner of the Inner Prize and engages people to break through their barriers-both mentally and physically. Her background includes 25 years of executive leadership as VP of trainingof a billion dollar property... more

Sherri Murphy is the founder of Elite Connections. Originally from New Mexico, people person. Sherri finds the job of introducing single people a fulfilling one and has done it all her life. Herphilosophy is that there is someone out there for... more

Lee Ellis is founder and president of Leadership LLC and Freedon Star Media. Lee is an author, leadership consultant and keynote speaker. He has been on CNN, CBS, ABC, and many other stations. Lee was an Air Forece Fighter Pilot... more
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