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Richie JL

Chaplain Laporte: Hebrews 4:16


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Jesus is the answer. All you have to do is pray, have faith, and believe. I give honor and thanks to my Lord an Savior, Jesus Christ, for all things. God has certainly always had His hand on my life, even in the times I was doing my own things and not following what God had purposes for my life. Growing up in church from a young child, I have always knew the Word, I loved God and the church, but my commitment was not present and I strayed doing things I had no business doing. I am so grateful for the keeping power of God’s grace and mercy. He kept me and always reminded me of His Word. He spoke to my spirit and let me know He will always love me. I have such a reverence now for the Holy Spirit, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ there is no turning back. God now allows me to evangelize the gospel through teaching, prayer, song and prophecy. God has also given me a ministry to help others in Relationship and Divorce Life Coaching. Through prayer, my own experiences and the certification training, I am now able to help others overcome barriers they face, such as sadness, defeat, fear, anger and rejection. I am so thankful that God has allowed me and entrusted me to do His will and to minister to his people. I give all the glory God. My life coaching page: “ Rapha - Healing to be Free,” and Christian blog: “Richie’s Place - Hebrews 4:16 Blog and Podcast https://richiesplaceblog.com/my-blog-god-loves-you/

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God knows our troubles. He knows our needs and desires. All we have to do is have faith and trust that He holds us and covers us through the storm.

?Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.? Hebrews 4:1 (KJV)

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