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Popular in Spirituality

  • 01:30

    Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour: Hoodoo Folklorists (Hyatt+) with JayDee 5/19/24

    in Spirituality

    The Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour is a real, live call-in show where the general public gets a chance to ask about actual problems with love, career, and spiritual protection, and we recommend and fully describe hoodoo rootwork spells to address, ameliorate, and remediate their issues. We begin this show with a Tutorial on Hoodoo Folklorists (Puckett, Hurston, and Hyatt). You will learn a lot just by listening -- but if you sign up at the Lucky Mojo Forum and call in and your call is selected, you will get a free consultation from three of the finest workers in the field, cat yronwode, ConjureMan, and a special guest from AIRR, JayDee!
    Sign up before the show to appear as a client! Post at the Lucky Mojo Forum at:
    Then call in at 818-394-8535 and dial '1' to flag our Studio Board Operator that you want to be on the air! We select new client sign-ups first and then call-back sign-ups. Call in just before the show begins and listen via your phone. Message the Announcer or the Studio Board Operator ("Lucky Mojo Curio Company") in chat to let them know you're available.

  • 01:21

    The Fort Worth Masons Interview Poke Runyon

    in Spirituality

    On February 27th, 2022 The Host of the Hermetic Hour was the call-in guest of Masonic brothers At the Fort Worth, Texas Masonic Lodge's weekly Pod cast. Poke was interviewed by the Master, Worshipful brother Gabriel, who was very knowledgeable on esoteric subjects  and asked me some very provocative questions. We covered everything from my childhood, through, spearfishing, scuba diving, special forces, Novel and screen writing and the illness that got me into magick -- through self-hypnosis -- and on then into  anthropology, while doing the Golden Dawn and witchcraft, writing my Master's Thesis on Magick -- after which I did The entire Masonic program. Master Gabriel asked me: "After all those other traditions how did Masonry affect You?" -- "I'll be honest with with you, I Told him, I thought these Muggels couldn't show me anything; but they totally blew me away! The Third degree was awesome." I realized that I had been hit with the full force of a Three Hundred year old Egregore (collective spirit) Master Gabriel came in at that point for a Fuller more philosophical explanation of the term. We continued discussing magick,the nature of spirits,the Golden Dawn, astrology, Kabbalah and even reincarnation -- all in all it was a very enjoyable hour and a half with a lot of very stimulating conversation. I'll be responsible for what I said and nothing I said reflects official Masonic teaching or doctrine. Thanks to Bro. Billy and Wor. Bro. Gabriel for letting us rebroadcast it. 

  • 01:43

    Mary Magdalene Pilgrimages

    in Spirituality

    Ariana is a heart-centered mentor, pilgrimage facilitator and spiritual coach who is deeply dedicated to inspiring others to listen to the whispers of their heart and step more fully into what is calling.  Her mission is to be a catalyst for shifting the paradigms and beliefs that keep people from living the life of their dreams – especially during the last season of their life.  At 60, after a series of events beginning with the death of her husband, followed by the loss of her savings and home, she rolled with the punches and set out on a 100 day pilgrimage journey including walking the 800 km Camino de Santiago. Following that pilgrimage, Ariana found herself challenged to the core as she was guided to shift from predominantly left brain careers to mentoring and leading spiritual pilgrimages.
    In 2017 she was redirected again with a call from the Magdalene energy to shift her pilgrimages to have more focus on a return to a world where the Divine Sophia energy of the Great Mother is revered as it was in many past cultures in our history.  She is passionate about the value of exploring sacred feminine principals and envisions a world where men and women live in harmony in a partnership model, each respecting the unique gifts and talents of the other.
    Ariana offers mentoring programs and spiritual pilgrimages to reconnect the Magdalene Sisterhood.  Her next journey to France is May of 2025.  Her intuitive wisdom and ability to recognize the patterns and behaviours that are limiting the journeys of her clients is a core part of her success in helping them step into a more authentic and powerful life.  Check her site: https://marymagdalenepilgrimages.com/ariana/
    At the top of the show, it's Anastasia's Starseed News, with topics of interest and hope not heard in the mainstream.

  • 00:24

    Jewels: The Frustrations of Manifesting Money Using the Law of Attraction

    in Spirituality

    We all know that the Law of Attraction is a very powerful principle suggesting that our thoughts and feelings create our reality. However, despite its promising premise, many find themselves frustrated, disheartened, and skeptical when their financial dreams remain unfulfilled. Let's dive into some of the most common frustrations people encounter when trying to manifest large sums of money using the Law of Attraction.   This should help end the confusion!  Contact Jewels:  ceojuliej@msn.com Listen in on https://loaradionetwork.com/jewels

  • 00:52

    Episode # 719 - 5/19/2024

    in Spirituality

    Join us for the latest channeled information about creation, energy direction, collective consciousness challenges, & self-love. Call in to receive channeled guidance on how to powerfully create what you want. Discover & release blocks & move back into the vibration that allows you to expand & manifest. Powerful, fun, & informative, this show is what you have been looking for!
    Listen to Dee on the following radio networks:
    BBS Radio - http://bbsradio.com/consciouscreation iTunes/Apple Podcasts -  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conscious-creation-radio-show/id574823210 Google Podcast - https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc3ByZWFrZXIuY29tL3Nob3cvMzYzMDY5OC9lcGlzb2Rlcy9mZWVk Transformation.fm on Transformation Talk Radio - https://www.transformationtalkradio.com/host/dee-wallace,105.html Himalaya - https://www.himalaya.com/Spirituality-podcasts/conscious-creation-radio-show-885312

  • 00:58

    7 Stages of a Spiritual Awakening

    in Spirituality

    On today's episode we explore the 7 Stage of a Spiritual Awakening. Discover why more people are currently undergoing these transformations more than ever before and how you can navigate your own spiritual path. 
    * Episode Highlights*
    1. Break free from societal expectations and find true happiness by carving your own life journey. 2. Understand how feelings of dissatisfaction can be the birth of your spiritual awakening. 3. Discover how a significant event, like a career shift or divorce, can be a catalyst for spiritual growth. 4. Learn the importance of aligning your spiritual energy and how it affects your physical well-being. 5. Embrace the constant quest for knowledge and how it leads to spiritual development and release.  * Join the Conversation!* If this episode sparks any questions or if there's a topic you're eager for us to explore, drop a comment on the video or send us an email. Your feedback lights up our creative spirits!  * Don't Forget to Subscribe and Share *
    Be sure to subscribe to our channel for more enlightening content and share this episode with anyone you know who’s on their own path of spiritual discovery. Let's help everyone find their purpose! * Tune in Next Week * Stay tuned, as more soul-expanding content is on its way next week! Wishing you a week full of purpose and spiritual alignment! Blessings, Jennifer & Michelle **P.S.:** Check out our websites for more resources and upcoming events! We’re here to support your spiritual journey every step of the way. Jennifer's Website: https://keystothespiritworld.com/ Michelle's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Michelle.The.Creator

  • 01:06

    Jupiter in Gemini - A Year for Travel, Education, Communication & More

    in Spirituality

    Join Divine Transmissions with Janet on Mondays and Fridays at 8:00 am PT/11:00 am ET for your Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, and energy report featuring AstroDesign. Live on the Living Astrology Facebook page and Living Astrology YouTube page
    Today's show is all about Jupiter's move into Gemini. We'll discuss the general themes, the personal impact, challenges, things to do during this transit, and how it impacts each Zodiac sign.
    Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/LivingAstrology
    YouTube: (1831) Living Astrology - YouTube

  • 01:04

    The Medical Intuitive Miracle Show with Kimberly Meredith

    in Spirituality

    Join Kimberly Meredith, World Renowned Celebrity Medical Intuitive Medium, Miracle Healer & Best Selling Author and Special Guest Kelly Brickel, Numerologist & Psychic-Medium, for a REPLAY episode - Live Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 7 pm PT / 10 pm ET!
    LISTEN HERE: BlogTalkRadio.com/MedicalIntuitiveMiracleShow
    In this previously recorded episode, Kimberly talks with her special guest Kelly Brickel, then Kimberly and Kelly take previously recorded questions from callers on numerology, medical, physical & emotional mediumship readings and healings, for a full hour.
    Kelly Brickel is a Numerologist, Psychic-Medium, Healer, Spiritual Teacher and Owner of the Metaphysical Broadcasting Company - Sacred Spiral Network which launched in 2024. With over 11 years of Metaphysical experience, Kelly's passions are learning about the Soul & Energy. Whether the connection is through Spirit, emotion or vibrational numbers, there is always a pathway to information waiting to help. You can find Kelly teaching, conversing and sharing her gifts weekly on Sacred Spiral Network as well as her podcasts The Psychic Hour & The Numerology Hour.
    Visit Kelly's websites: KellyBrickel.com & SacredSpiralNetwork.com
    Visit Kimberly's website: TheHealingTrilogy.com

  • 00:32

    Darkness is Real

    in Spirituality

    Today, Shaman is covering a tough subject. One that many people might be afraid to hear about. But, it is needed so you all can identify what is causing disruption in your lives and how to deal with it. Unfortunately, darkness is real. So let's stop ignoring it and instead become proactive in getting rid of it from our lives. 
    Join Shaman as she speaks openly about the messages and prophetic visions she has been receiving. They bring to light the urgent need for unity among all people and the chance we could potentially change the outcome of future catastrophic events. 
    We appreciate your support for our podcast. Here is the link to our Venmo account as mentioned in the show: https://account.venmo.com/u/lifepurposeshaman
    New Episodes air FRIDAY at 10am EST/ 9am CST/ 8am MST/ 7am PST. Want to be the first notified of live shows? Sign up for Shaman's mailing HERE.
    If you have suggestions for other shows please send an email to karmatalkshow@gmail.com 
    Follow Tammy on Instagram for daily content! @lifepurposeshaman
    Visit my Linktree to see my offerings and learn more about me. Check out my courses in my LinkTree also. https://linktr.ee/lifepurposeshaman

  • 02:10

    Full Flower Moon - 144k Mass Meditation

    in Spirituality

    ...when the 144k do a MASS MEDITATION....
    ...we can expect serious MOVEMENT - as we set our intentions into the field.
    For notifications about free Planet-Wide Advanced Mass Meditations:
    Subscribe to 144K HQ on Patreon: for more empowering & healing content & to support mass meditation promotions to reach critical mass:
    Heaing & Activation:
    144k Legion of Light
    Telegram Channel:
    Brought to you by Return To Your Truth Dot Com:
    Call in number to continue after the 2 hour mark: 1-518-318-5638 

  • 01:18

    Sister 2 Sister

    in Spirituality

    A show by sisters for sisters. Becoming a holy, set apart daughter of Yah, is of a great price. Tune in to be edified, encouraged, strengthened, and taught about the biblical way we ought to be as women in the Israelite faith.
    Your host Sister Ashley and esteemed guest Mother Carol. Welcome to the university of the painful truth!

About Spirituality

If spirituality can be considered a movement, it's one of the fastest-growing in the world, and one of our most talked-about topics. Perhaps it's because it has the power to be a conduit for self-definition, born of an inner longing to cultivate a purposeful life and a deeper connection to the universe. Choose from hundreds of shows featuring interviews with world-renowned professors, holistic health professionals and authors, like famed New Ager Deepak Chopra, and spiritual teachers and psychics like Sylvia Browne. Chat with kindred spirits journeying along on how they pursue higher levels of consciousness, through light, energy, chakras, angels, reincarnation, prophecies, alternative medicine, pilgrimages and more. And unlike some religions, spirituality allows for interpretation: your third-eye awakening could manifest in the calm that comes from spending time with your dog, practicing yoga, preparing a sustainable meal. Yes, BlogTalkRadio provides plenty of shows to nourish your mind, body and spirit.

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