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"Love isn't colorblind... Or is it?"

  • Broadcast in Entertainment
TAGS Radio

TAGS Radio


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Once a frowned upon act, taboo to be quite frank, love beyond the color line is becoming increasingly common.  As Time magazine has reported, the number of interracial marriages in the U.S. has increased 1000% since 1967 when the Supreme Court decision, Loving v. Virginia voided state laws that forbid unions between the races. Fast forward to 2010, interracial relationships have become more of a common place. Not as much as it once was, but yet still frowned upon depending on who you talk to. Is it ignorance or just the way things should be? No one seems to have the logical answers so let's discuss it this Saturday on "TAGS...  What's your perspective?" at 9am CST at www.blogtalkradio.com/tags.  It is imperative that we hear your thoughts on the subject, give us a call at 347-843-4624, press 1 to talk.  If you are unable to listen, via the internet, you can call and listen at the number provided.  The phone lines are unlimited so don't worry about getting through.  WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!

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