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Your Stuck Up Musical and Movie Choices.

  • Broadcast in Relationships
Urban Therapy with Sun

Urban Therapy with Sun


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We love our music. We love our movies. We probably listen and watch a lot of both and we probably judge ourselves and others on what we listen to, who we know about and how broad we can range. Sometimes we can go too far in the way that we look at people for the way that they choose their music, TV and movies. Have you ever gotten in an argument about what a good movie is vs. what a bad movie is? How about what a good song is vs. what a sucky song is? How about the types of movies that a certain actor may play in? What about Tyler Perry vs. Spike Lee, or someone else? Have you ever looked down on a person, or lost respect for them, because they liked Trap music, gangsta rap, or pop music? Come on now. Let's talk.

That's what we're talking about tonight at 7PM ET on The Daily Gogetemism Show. heck this out:  https://youtube.com/live/AjRm5r2mXrU?feature=share

#Movies #Music #ChrisRock #WillandJada

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