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Creation Energies channeled by Brenda Hoffman

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
Brenda Hoffman

Brenda Hoffman


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Summary of Brenda’s September 28, 2018, channeled 15-minute Creation Energies show at BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman:   “I’m mad as hell, and not going to take it anymore” is how many of you feel about those you believe act in inhumane and anti-earth ways. You’re returning to the cohesiveness of the 60s and 70s expressing your joy and shifting from, “I’ve got mine, good luck with getting yours.” to “we’re one.”

Just You is the title of last week’s Brenda’s Blog – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestryCreations.com.

The overview of Brenda's October 5, 2018, Creation Energies show: You're a new being with a need to live in joy. Worrying about others not wishing to live in their hearts is a waste of your energy for they'll remain in chaos as you rebuild your world. There's no need to envy others with money or feel that poverty is your life for there is more than enough for all. The energies you devoted to vows of poverty, retaliation, and karma in 3D are no more. 

Brenda’s Creation Energies show and Brenda’s Blog contain different channeled information.

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