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  • 00:59

    The pure Wicked Evil of the Democrat party Progressive and Marxist to the core

    in Politics

    Also listen to us here on Iheart Radio
    Did you know this country was founded by Christians? Did you know the founders believed Liberty was an actual gift from God? Did you know our founders taught that our inalienable rights come directly from God and that it is the job of the Government to insure and protect your rights?
    Today however the Democrat party has been taken hostage by Marxists who hate God and hate Democracy.  The Democrat party today also hates Capitalism.  This is why it's hard to find a Democrat anywhere that will agree to what the founders said as I've written above this paragraph.  The Democrat party today is NOT a good bunch of people but rather they are Un-American marxists.   Billy Graham was a Democrat but confided in his son Franklin Graham that he no longer could support the Democrat party as it is un-Christian to do so.  You see ladies and gentleman the Democrat party has become obsessed with being the party of abortion baby killers.  No Christian can support this evil.  They have become the party of shutting down churches if you don't support the sin of the LGBTQ+ movement.  Many Democrats want to tak away the tax emempt status of Churches that won't sin and marry same sex people.  Well, this is why the Democrat party must be obliterated from the face of the earth.  Non violently and at the ballot box but it must.
    Atheists think you can answer this question below?   Call our radio station NOW by dialing  (515) 602-9778
    The question of the day for atheists is:  What proof and evidence can you provide that would finally at last prove that atheism is accurate and correct?  (So far no atheist has been able to provide any for over 18 years)

  • 02:01

    MAP5 (Muslim American Power5)

    in Politics

    Join us each Monday 10a PT/1p ET for an episode of MAP5 (Muslim American Power 5) with Amatullah Alaji-Sabrie, Fleming El-Amin, Hon. Cheryl Sudduth, and guests for a discussion on our obligations as Muslims to transform our faith into action through proactive civic engagement, examining our roles as Muslims in establishing a more just society.
    How do we inform, educate & engage our communities on a sustainable level? How do we get elected/appointed to boards & commissions? What does 'true accountability' look like? How do we create, build & sustain collaborative & mutually beneficial coalitions?
    THIS WEEK'S EPISODE: Faith into Action, co-host Fleming El-Amin will report back: What were the results of the 2024 Muslim Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill? Over 700 delegates attended and presented concerns in over 100 scheduled meetings with various Senators and Congressional Representatives. Fleming El-Amin, served as co-captain of the N.C. delegation, as well as a representative of Mosque Cares. He will discuss the activities and respond to questions from the listeners.
    Listen live: 515.605.9891. The best way to engage with the show! Press 1 Listen on-line: https://AM360.org. Press ‘live', press ? on ‘AM360' logo Streaming online 24/7: https://AM360.org | 701.719.4197 Comments: (910) 317-0297 E-mail info@cwsc.us Tweet/Like @CWShuraa, @Community Wide Shura'a Conference Visit https://cwsc.us  

  • 00:58

    My quest for Congress, the next steps

    in Politics

    Greetings all. Please join me Thursday May 9th as I relaunch my campaign to invoke real change live at https://www.blogtalkradio.com/thewtfffiles at 7:00 p.m. Listen in and discover how you can help me invoke real change on this planet. . This is where I'll go over some recent events such as the primary that you didn't see my name in, and for me to ask for help to get my name on the ballot as an independent candidate for PA-07th's congressional district in the general election. I'll also talk about the apparently problem free election in Northampton County, where nobody is talking about voting machines that are receptive to radio interference as I've explained before and will explain again as I talk about the event I attended Wednesday night.
    Other topics I will pitch are all the college protests across the country, including Lehigh University. The memes that you see on social media are psychologically toxic to our collective mental health, they make us hate each other regardless of whether it seems true or not. Our society, and in particular our social media seems to have the effect of teaching us to hate each other. We have to get past that hate if our democracy is going to function like it should for the benefit of all.
    At the end of the day, we got to find a way together to go forwards, within the confines or our Constitution for the common good of all, not just the rich. Please subscribe to see the latest updates, podcast announcements and such.  I'll schedule the show for a full 2 hours so people can call in with their questions concerns and such . Check it out when you get a chance, tell me what you think?
    @69News @WFMZnews @mcall @lv4allorg @thevalleyledger @LVNewsdotcom @lehighvalley @armchairlv @BRCNews13 @timesnewsonline  @PBS39News  @WLVRNews

  • 00:24

    The American Allegiance Show

    in Politics

    News you cant use with James Bostick

  • 00:59

    America at a Crossroads

    in Politics

    Good morning! Today, on The Meter, we will cover the latest in the Trump trials. In the documents case, Florida Judge Aileen Cannon indefinitely postponed trial, citing that significant evidence had been compromised and must be clarified before moving forward. Many of the classified papers were tampered with while in custody of special counsel Jack Smith. President Trump has called for Smith's arrest. The case will unlikely be held before the election. Is this pure evidence of intentional election interference? In New York, the so-called "hush money" case took a severe hit as Stomy Daniels proved only to a witness to damage Trump's reputation. None of the former star's testimony was connected to the trumped-up charges against Donald Trump. Liberal pundits seemed in panic mode after Daniel's performance on the stand, and this week Michael Cohen is expected to be on the stand. Is the entire case ready for collapse? President Trump took to the campaign trail on Saturday night in Wildwood, NJ, before a spectacularly large crowd of 100,000 who began waiting in line at dawn. The 45th President spoke for 90 minutes on why he should become the 47th President. Trump also hinted that his Vice-presidential pick may be North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum. Trump touted his economy, his international policy, and domestic security as compared to Joe Biden's. To Trump, there's no comparison. What do you think? Also, as anti-Israeli protests continue in college, now disrupting graduation ceremonies, Joe Biden has threatened to stop heavy arms shipments to Israel if they invade Rafah, which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as pledged to do. Is Biden feeling the heat from the "uncommitted" votes in crucial battleground states? Please join the discussion at 10AM. The call-in number is 347-308-8933. Your input is essential!

  • 02:00

    Marvelous Monday with Dr. Shirley McKellar

    in Politics

    Marvelous Monday with Dr. Shirley McKellar is always the way to start the week! It is our civic responsibility to stay informed on the issues, pay close attention to the actions and decisions of our elected officials, and educate ourselves and others about the importance of VOTING in every election!  Let's work together to be the change we need! 

  • 02:59

    You Have The Right To Remain Silent Or You Have The Right To Remain Racist

    in Politics

    Racial discrimination is any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life1. It involves treating someone unfavorably because of their race or personal characteristics associated with race, such as skin color, hair texture, or certain facial features23. Racism is a form of prejudice that can lead to violence

  • 00:43

    Khazar Civil War and campus riots a prelude to election KAOS

    in Politics

    The Khazar terrorists in Palestine are fighting a civil war in America. The Labor Party has hired hundreds of professional rioters to cause chaos on American colleges to turn America against Benny Yahu. Marxist commie Bernie Sanders has called for the removal of Benny. The Rottenshield Crime family is funding the rioters through their puppet George Soros. Many of the professional rioters are BLM and Antifa terrorists. These riots are a prelude to the election in November. If HELLary cannot STEAL  the election as she did in 2020 she will unleash her army of terrorists and keep current President Trump from being sworn in in 2025.

  • 01:02

    "Local Voter Education)

    in Politics

    Fort Worth Adrian & Bob Local Non Fiction News from the city council agenda.

  • 02:20

    The Talker w/ Wanda Walker

    in Politics

    WBNN Communications 9:00pm EDT www blogtalkradio.com / #TheLegacyContinues #bevnatstrong Join us for our 3731st presentation of Ngozi Time Multimedia LLC w/ our topic: How our children are used to destabilize our communities and steal our wealth through trogan horse agendas by Wanda Walker w/ Beverly Nation Online Radio @ O.N.E Universe

  • 02:01

    Show Topic: "The Colonized Mind"

    in Politics

    Show Topic: "The Colonized Mind"

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