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Do You Know What Metabolic Conditioning is? Listen Today For What it Really is

  • Broadcast in Fitness
Curtis Harwell Fitness Radio

Curtis Harwell Fitness Radio


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The most popular metabolic conditioning workouts can be effective but do you know everything that you need to about “metabolic conditioning”?

It’s the first day with your new fat loss client. They’ve tried working out before with and without a trainer and stopped because life got in the way. This time’s different. This time they’re committed and that’s why they hired you.

They bought a small package to make sure you’re a good fit but have already verbally committed to a big package. All you’ve got to do is prove your worth. So don’t screw it up.

You extolled them on the benefits of metabolic training and how it’s going to get them results — Quick. They’re excited and with good reason.

You told them that metabolic conditioning gets the heart rate up for the whole workout and heard something about an elevated metabolism after the workout. It sounded cool and sciency so you repeated it to the client with confidence.

Cool and sciency doesn’t cut it

The term metabolic workouts needs to be excised from the English language.  I’m not here to argue it’s definition.  What I’m going to do is give you some science behind the 3 most common types of metabolic conditioning.  I still wish that the term wasn’t haphazardly used is 99% of the sales meeting across North America.  I figure after reading this post at least they’ll have some understanding to back up their fancy science language.

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