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The ROAD TO RECOVERY Hosted by Daniel Czuba working to bring addictions out of..

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....the darkness of DENIAL into the light of ACCEPTANCE and Ultimately RECOVERY - because thats how it works! At least for many of us...

Sharing our personal "EXPERIENCE - STRENGTH & HOPE" with others - often will continue to help us follow a spath in Recovery. It is inevitable! Which means if we remember that it is a "WE" program - we will never again feel the absolute emptiness that once enveloped us while caught up in our addiction/s. If you find yourself alone it is because you choose to be alone and "I" for one - no longer wnant to experience that degree of emptiness or hopelessness.

Today my life is every growing and moving forward. If I were to die today - I will have died a HAPPY - CONTENT MAN - who recognizes and realizes that without the program of Alcoholics Anonymous and other worthy and beneficial programs that I have worked throughout my recovery - I would never had all of the gifts I enjoy today! 


So why not join me each and every week as I continue my journey - welcoming each and every one of you to walk along next to me - not behind me or in front of me - but right next to me - arm in arm. And give up a hug or two during your week and see if you dont feel better yourself.

Our call in number is 323-580-5755 and we air every Sunday evening from 7 to 9 PM CST Centrasl Standard Time.I personally look forward to hearing back from you.! Oh - and one more thing..."HAVE A GREAT DAY - UNLESS OF CURSE - YOU HAVE DIFFERENT PLANS!"