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Unquestionable Dedication in Project Management - Military Level Success.

  • Broadcast in Management



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Exploring unquestionable dedication as a leader. 

We will compare behaviors of service men following orders vs project management team members following project leadership. Why is there a difference in these leadership approaches?  

Guest project manager / current military service person Richard Steel, PMP will discuss the foundations of basic training in the military and how the approach of leaders in civilian live is very different.  Did you now the yelling and screaming we see in movies is not the real life of a service person. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!  

Many of us are accustomed to thinking of service personnel fearing their commanders but the real fact is buy-in and dedication is achieved through collaboration and instilling belief in the purpose and goals of the team. WAIT - there is much more and it does not involve any negativity.  

Topics of being humble as a leader and being a source of influence will be explored from the leadership view.

Rick will also discuss how he transitioned his role from service man to project manager when completing his PMI pmp application. Being desciplined and dedicated are key areas one must practice.

This is a presentation many have waited to hear for some time.

Sit back and enjoy this brief but powerful interview packed full of tips that will reveal strategies you too can use to transition your career and your life.

(information shared does not represent any specific branch of military life)

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