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LEADERSHIP with Kausain A. Shaikh

  • Broadcast in Energy
Mr Wayne

Mr Wayne


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Alternative Energy sources are being developed around the world and what THE primary source of energy will be in the future is anyone's guess.


Mr. Saikh, Founder & President of EngEx, Inc. has put together a symposium and exposition that will bring energy companies, education and utilities together in one forum called, EngEx.


The energy discussion, that often develops here on The Green Revolution Show, reveals that we promote ALL types of energy sources...that is, anything that will reduce our reliance on foreign oil! Furthermore, as I often state, we can't talk about energy without discussing water.

The EngExpo will, indeed, be talking our language this coming July, by providing an extraordinary forum; bringing the engineering world together and inspiring innovation that will lead to increased production and address major global issues, such as:

Water Conservation and Reclamation.

Energy Independence while minimizing the impact on our Environment.

Infrastructure rehabilitation and development.

Economy stimulation through private investors, corporations and government.

Stay tuned and see how all this will tie together to "ensure a secure future for the world."

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