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Drip Da Mic: Being Intuitive with Tina Wolfe and Shaman Baba T

  • Broadcast in Poetry
Thee Poemanologist

Thee Poemanologist


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Being Intuitive 

Experience a unique listening enrichment that provides knowledge wisdom and inspiration by using the following various styles of positive modalities:

Crystals, Stones, Oracle Cards, Spirit Animals, angel numbers tarot cards, books, colors, reiki and much more to enhance your life experience.

Your journey to self love and self healing is an illuminating adventure for you to grow as a positive human.

As a positive conduit and vessel my messages are conveyed honestly, authentically and raw.

I look forward to meeting you on the airwaves. Come ride the wave of positive energy, call in to listen and be interactive on


Being Intuitive with Tina Wolfe and Shaman Baba T

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