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Creation Energies channeled by Brenda Hoffman

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
Brenda Hoffman

Brenda Hoffman


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Summary of August 16, 2014 Creation Energies - Brenda's free, 15-minute channeled show for www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: Many of you lack self-compassion. You believe that once you easily manifest you should save the world - 3D thinking. Your manifestation skills are to be in love and joy. If you equate saving the world with negating those concepts or entities that don't believe or function as you think they should, you're merely continuining 3D hate, anger and fear. A new society will be created - but it will be created in love and joy.

Break Open Your Envelope - Explore and Expand is the title of this week's Brenda's Blog - her free, channeled blog for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com.

Overview of this week's Creation Energies show: Perhaps you're feeling the energy bursts that are being sent by the Universes. Such is so because the Universes noted your concerns about those who appear to be enmeshed in 3D fear. Please know that 75% of those on, in and of earth have declared their interest in moving into a life of joy. Those of you 25% at the forefront are the beacons of joy for those 50% who now wish to follow. Those who remain fully enmeshed in fear are too afraid now to move beyond their comfort of fear - but they will in their own time. Allow them to be. Your only role now is to manifest, create your unique life of joy as directed by your inner-being. 

Brenda's Blog and her Creation Energies show contain different channeled information.

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