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The Art of Living Well with Charlotte and Lindsay

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
Art of Living Well Radio

Art of Living Well Radio


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A NEW YEAR IS COMING! 2011 What are your plans? How are you preparing? Is the old, "I need to lose weight resolution? Or, perhaps, you have stretched your imagination to encompass grander fields of desire. World Peace? Why not? Call in and let us know what your dreams, desires and ACTION PLANS are for 2011. Share with us and all listeners. The power of group intention can be yours. Let us hold energy for each others dreams as everyone's dream is our own. Universal inquiry, unbounded exploration - are you ready for a show designed to free your mind and your body from the old rut of day-to-day living? Each Thursday Charlotte and Lindsay will take you to the edge of your old thinking and beyond your comfort zone to a new place of understanding. And, you’ll have fun doing it. As life guides we start your journey: learn to finally put mastermind skills to work, save the oceans, live green, fall in love, forgive someone, challenge the system, play your best game of golf or tennis, create miracles, give from the heart, get fit, eat well and organically, or consider tossing your prescription medicines and regaining your naturally healthy state. Life's schooling is only done when you die and maybe not even then – we talk about near death experiences and life on the “other” side too. We even talk to angels! Keep learning, questioning, listening and stimulating yourself to be better each and every day by choice. Every show offers a guest or topic worthy of your time, attention and participation. Each Art of Living Well show will wrap up with Lindsay's Health in 15 - a short bite of easily digested information about natural health and healing. Each 15-minute segment focuses on one therapeutic-grade essential oil or a healing tool and how to incorporate it into your life.

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