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Popular in Spirituality

  • 7/19 C View 2024 Quantum Leap: From Physical to Multi-Dimensional Jane Smolnik B

    in Spirituality

    ?? Join us for an enlightening journey as we delve into the mysteries of the cosmos on "The Shift of the Ages."
    Tune in live by calling (805) 830-8344 or catch the replay at the Shortlink: http://tobtr.com/12330165. Our upcoming episode titled "Quantum Leap: From Physical to Multi-Dimensional" invites you to explore the profound transformation from the limitations of the physical realm to the boundless expanses of multi-dimensional existence.
    Discover how our perception of reality is shifting, opening new gateways to higher consciousness and expanded awareness. Listen in as we unravel the secrets of quantum physics, consciousness exploration, and the power of intention to transcend the boundaries of space and time.
    Dr. Jane Smolnik Boyd's remarkable journey spans over 36 years in the field of holistic health and metaphysical exploration. As a licensed Avatar Master and Wizard, Master Herbalist, Kinesiologist, and creator of the Biofield Clearing technique, Dr. Jane has dedicated her life to helping individuals unlock their true potential and achieve holistic well-being.
    Don't miss this opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation!
    Contact Jane directly: UltimateHealing.com  |  ph: 828-777-JANE (5263) | BiofieldClearing.com

  • Sacred Psychiatry: Bridging the Personal and Transpersonal to Transform

    in Spirituality

    Discover holistic approaches to psychiatric healing.
    Your previous experience with conventional psychiatry likely consisted of suppressing symptoms with pharmaceuticals without considering you as a whole person. It’s probable that there was little exploration of the power of the sacred to promote healing, which is especially crucial in our current climate of widespread fear and disconnection.
    In Sacred Psychiatry, you will be introduced to a diverse range of holistic approaches to healing. This book offers invaluable guidance on how to develop a personal spiritual practice and highlights the profound significance of fulfilling the soul’s purpose. It illustrates the usefulness of astrology, emphasizes how toxic relationships undermine healing, and showcases the remarkable healing power of food as medicine. Sacred Psychiatry also provides a holistic framework for weaning off of psychiatric pharmaceuticals and highlights treatable but frequently overlooked complex chronic conditions such as mold toxicity, mast cell activation syndrome, and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.
    Judy Suzanne Reis Tsafrir, MD, is a holistic healer with a private psychiatry and psychoanalysis practice in Newton, Massachusetts. She is a board-certified adult and child psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, is on the faculty of Harvard Medical School and the Boston Psychoanalytic Institute, and teaches and supervises at the Cambridge Health Alliance.

  • Sacred Geometry, with Gregory and Gail Hoag

    in Spirituality

    Please join us and our guests, Gregory and Gail Hoag, for a show on Sacred Geometry: The Universal Language of Divine Alignment. So what makes Sacred Geometry sacred? How does it actually impact or play out in human lives? Are those people who sit under pyramids actually onto something? What did the Druids, Mayans and Ancient Egyptians know that we fail to take into account in our daily lives that could change everything—personally and collectively? All these compelling questions are answered with clarity and brevity in the acclaimed new bestseller Sacred Geometry from Gregory and Gail Hoag, the world’s leading experts on Sacred Geometry for the past four decades. Sacred Geometry is an astonishing achievement that wraps together how consciousness expresses itself in numbers, degrees, angles, atoms, frequencies, time, planetary alignment and more that constantly repeat! Patterns or “archetypes” that create a harmonic resonance that influences our mental state, our health, our energy, our ability to co-exist peacefully. The more we “attune” to this resonance, the happier we are, the easier life flows and the more wellness we experience. “Where there is resonance, energy flows and transformation can occur,” say the authors.
    Gregory and Gail Hoag, revered leaders, speakers and teachers, are revealing how the universal patterns displayed in sacred geometry play a foundational role in the evolution of consciousness. There is magic in how they met, in how they brought their individual gifts and wisdom to a marriage that advanced this knowledge into the world. They have dedicated their lives to making Sacred Geometry accessible to all. And to using their knowledge to inspire a more peaceful, harmonic world. Learn more at https://iconnect2all.com.

  • The Seven Gateways of Spiritual Experience with Jonathan Ellerby

    in Spirituality

    A journey through the seven most common and important spiritual experiences We all have unexpected moments that take us out of our ordinary lives, and into a sense of the extraordinary. Any one of us can have an experience that reveals our connection to the Sacred, through profound love, wisdom, or a radical shift in perception. Yet how often do we brush off these flashes of spiritual wonder, not realizing they can be stepping stones on the path of spiritual growth and personal resilience. As we acknowledge the expansiveness of the human heart and mind we access insights and feelings that help us to make peace with even the most difficult and confusing life circumstance. Through dynamic stories of firsthand accounts, Jonathan Ellerby guides us in how to recognize and integrate the spiritual experiences that are already a part of our life and those that we may yet pursue. As we explore the non-ordinary modes of perception and the super-states of consciousness that underlie them, we realize how spiritual experiences happen, what they mean, and how they can help us cultivate creativity, healing, and groundedness. Through simple exercises and sacred practices designed to expand perception, we go deeper and enter non-ordinary states of consciousness, which can enable us to have direct awareness of the fullness of life and higher consciousness. Providing a map for navigating sacred encounters, this guide prepares us to face life with passion, purpose, and resilience.

  • 7/30/24 Universal Spiritual Connection Talk Radio host Leilani Graham

    in Spirituality

    Living in the Higher Realms with Michell Weber founder of the Realms of Peace.
    Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) clears the general flow of the nine different angels of the cellular memory areas of the physical body. (IET) is known to clear the energy blockages that have occurred within our current lifetime, and from our past life karmic effects. (IET) clears the energy blockages of any energetic imprints, recurring, physical trauma, emotional trauma, and limiting beliefs. (IET) requires five steps to remove these energetic blockages: Step One: Energize, Step Two: Trigger, Step Three: Release, Step Four: Integrate, Step Five: Pure joy. Therefore, harmonizing your energetic life force with the Soul purpose.
    Michelle Weber: I am certified in Integrated Energy Therapy (IET), Reiki Master/teacher, Cranial Temple Activation Registered Practitioner (CTA), Animal Reiki, Founder of the Quantum Releasing/Decoding, Crystal Healing Therapy, Tuning Fork Registered Therapist, Access Bars, Biomat Therapy, Sound Therapy. Phone contact: 570-506-7847 Website:http://www.contourbodyandmind.com Email: realmsofpeace@outlook.com 
    Social Medias: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/michelleweber and Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/realmsofpeace

  • Hiking Your Feelings: Blazing a Trail to Self-Love, with Sydney Williams

    in Spirituality

    Please join us and our guest, Sydney Williams, for a show on Hiking Your Feelings: Blazing a Trail to Self-Love. Too many of us don't know what to do with our feelings. We stuff them, ignore them, drown them, or find a way not to experience them at all, which usually results in disaster on a physical, emotional, mental, or financial level. The answer: Why not try hiking your feelings? That's what Sydney Williams did, and it transformed her life. Sydney has become a passionate advocate for wellness through the wilderness. Her book is a call-to-action for anyone ready to confront their emotional baggage and find healing in the great outdoors. Sydney explains how hiking became not just a physical activity that changed her body chemistry but also a pathway to emotional freedom and self-love.
    When Sydney unexpectedly found herself diagnosed with type 2 diabetes while grappling with grief and unresolved trauma built up over a decade, she set out on a quest to turn her pain into power. Two hikes across Catalina Island and 80 miles later, she learned to disconnect from distractions and reconnect with herself, all through the power of nature. Sydney is the founder of Hiking My Feelings®, a nonprofit dedicated to the healing power of nature. She has 15+ years of marketing experience and is a former competitive skydiver. She has been featured in HuffPost, Psychology Today, U.S. News & World Report, and on the SXSW stage. She is also a certified Wilderness First Responder, an instructor at the Desert Institute at Joshua Tree National Park, an instructor at the Field Institute at Sequoia National Park, and a founding member of the Outdoorist Oath. Sydney has been nominated for Woman of the Year by San Diego Magazine. Learn more at https://HikingMyFeelings.org.

  • Channeled Messages of Hope

    in Spirituality

    Channeled Messages of Hope is a compilation of channeled conversations obtained through a free-flowing one-on-one interview format with nineteen prominent souls, who, from their unique vantage point on the other side, discuss global warming and climate change. As the climate crisis intensifies, it is leaving many with a sense of despair for the world and their future during this unprecedented time.
    We channeled John Muir, Jacques Cousteau, Theodore Roosevelt, Wayne Dyer, Gandhi, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, John McCain, Saint Francis, EPA-creator Richard Nixon, and many more. The souls provide insights into what the future holds along with upcoming technological innovations and breakthroughs; meaningful actions that each one of us can take, why this crisis is happening from a higher perspective and what we are to learn; and tools that we can employ for self-care.
    For those curious about the afterlife, the souls also provide a behind-the-scenes look at what they are doing on the other side. What was their experience like when they crossed over? Who are they guides for on Earth? With whom do they collaborate? Do they have plans for another incarnation? They also share surprising revelations from their time on Earth, including the name of Albert Einstein’s co-author of the theory of relativity and what Nikola Tesla really thinks about the electric vehicle manufacturer that bears his name.
    Channeled Messages of Hope will leave you with a sense of peace and comfort about the world and your future and will provide guidance and inspiration on how best to act on behalf of our beautiful planet. Hear the Souls Speak - listen to clips of Sam channeling John McCain, Nikola Tesla, Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), Jacques Cousteau, Albert Einstein, Mohandas Gandhi, Saint Francis, Wayne Dyer, and George H.W. Bush on www.channeledmessagesofhope.com

  • Love, God, and Everything: Awakening from the Long, Dark Night of the Collective

    in Spirituality

    A deep investigation of the Great Shift of Ages that is now occurring as well as a prophetic vision of our future after our collective awakening
    Humanity is undergoing a planetary wake-up call: in order to survive the global spiritual, ecological, and cultural crises we now face, the long, dark night of the collective soul,we need to consciously evolve, heal our generational trauma, and awaken to the amazing potential we each hold for profound transformation. In this sweeping exploration of love, consciousness, and awakening, Nicolya Christi offers a deep investigation of the Great Shift of Ages that is now occurring. She shares detailed personal accounts of the extraordinary metaphysical, psychic, and out-of-body experiences she has had throughout her life along with the direct spiritual insights she gained as a result. She explores what consciousness is and examines the evolutionary continuum of the soul--including the voyage of the incarnate soul, the metaphysical-spiritual reality of the excarnate soul, and the beyond-soul reality. She also shares maps and models for psychospiritual integration, awakening, and evolving consciousness that she has pioneered. Examining the personal and collective human shadow, the author looks at the central role epigenetics play in our current fear-based reality and explores the impact of stories of wounding from a personal, ancestral, and karmic perspective. Focusing on healing generational and collective trauma, she shows how by changing our “story,” we can change the world and transcend the shadow of human experience. She explores spiritual wisdom from ancient cultures spanning millennia, especially the Classic Maya, and highlights evolutionary astrological events that will influence humanity in the years and decades ahead as we more fully awaken.  

  • The Healing Practices of the Knights Templar and Hospitaller

    in Spirituality

    A detailed exploration of the remedies and methods used by the healers who journeyed along with the Crusading knights During the Crusades, chivalric knightly orders, such as the Knights Templar and the Knights Hospitaller, brought along monastic mediciners to treat the sick and wounded. These mediciners not only employed the leading cures of medieval Europe but also learned new methods from the local folk-healers and Arabic healing traditions they encountered on their journeys. Presenting a traditional “cure-all” or leechbook of the Crusader physicians, Jon Hughes shares a comprehensive encyclopedia of the ailments the Crusaders would have encountered and the remedies their mediciners would have employed. He details recipes for many cures and a range of magico-medical applications such as charms, spells, enchantments, and amulets used to address the new illnesses of strange and foreign lands. He includes a detailed and comprehensive herbal, listing all the plants and materials needed to make and administer the remedies of the cure-all. He also details his travels in the steps of the Crusader physicians throughout Poland, the Czech Republic, Malta, Morocco, and the island of Rhodes where he met with healers still following this healing path who shared their practices with him. Revealing how the healers of the Crusades helped elevate Western medical knowledge through the integration of wisdom from their Middle Eastern counterparts, Hughes shows how their legacy continues through the many effective remedies and healing modalities still in use today.

  • Near-Death Experiences: Afterlife Journeys and Revelations

    in Spirituality

    Thousands, perhaps millions, of people have had near-death experiences (NDEs). Why do so many report uncannily similar experiences? What are they—a simple trick of the mind and body or something more? What are we to make of them, and do they tell us anything about the possibility of an afterlife? An illuminating and thought-provoking journey into the enigmatic territory where science, spirituality, and human consciousness converge, Near Death Experiences: Afterlife Journeys and Revelations presents a comprehensive journey through different interpretations of NDEs:  
    The Scientific. What neuroscience, medicine, and biology have to say about what happens at the brink of death. The Religious. What NDE-like experiences found in the Bible, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Talmud, the Quran, and other religious tracts tell us. Historic and Personal. What folklore and personal stories reveal about this alternate consciousness that occurs during a life-threatening situation. The Metaphysical. Possible answers involving quantum reality, parallel universes, and the subconscious. Challenging you to explore all possibilities, Near Death Experiences will have you reconsidering your understanding of life, death, and consciousness!

  • Note: How we schedule our shows

    in Spirituality

    [Currently, we are taking our seasonal break.] However, when shows resume, we simply add topics to our weekly shows within 7 days of their programming due to the changing climate and events in our society. We try to stay up-to-date on the facts as they unfold before we seek the Father for clarity and possibly directions for the people. As a result, you should always return to this website within 24 hours of the show's airtime to see what the Father has finally given us for the people from a Hebrew Israelite perspective in Christ. Thanks.
    Awake Zion!
    [Note: Stay tuned for our programming start-up date!] The date of this show serves only as a marker and doesn't reflect our undetermined end of the break. Meanwhile, enjoy over 600 shows we believe are inspired by the Most High.

About Spirituality

If spirituality can be considered a movement, it's one of the fastest-growing in the world, and one of our most talked-about topics. Perhaps it's because it has the power to be a conduit for self-definition, born of an inner longing to cultivate a purposeful life and a deeper connection to the universe. Choose from hundreds of shows featuring interviews with world-renowned professors, holistic health professionals and authors, like famed New Ager Deepak Chopra, and spiritual teachers and psychics like Sylvia Browne. Chat with kindred spirits journeying along on how they pursue higher levels of consciousness, through light, energy, chakras, angels, reincarnation, prophecies, alternative medicine, pilgrimages and more. And unlike some religions, spirituality allows for interpretation: your third-eye awakening could manifest in the calm that comes from spending time with your dog, practicing yoga, preparing a sustainable meal. Yes, BlogTalkRadio provides plenty of shows to nourish your mind, body and spirit.

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