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RC & JP Carter (Chris & Joan to their friends) have been married for almost forty years. They have five daughters, one son and thirteen grandchildren. Chris has been a full time air traffic controller for the last 27 years. Both Chris and Joan were also actively involved in Christian ministry for 20 years before retiring. They served as both associate pastors and pastors of their own church. They ministered deliverance to many people during that time. Even now during their paranormal investigations, they are often called upon to cleanse and anoint homes and sometimes the people living there.
Joan first saw apparitions at an early age growing up in Massachusetts. She was always told that ghosts were not real, which didn’t stop the spirits from making themselves known. Chris was exposed to the paranormal with a UFO experience when he was young in Illinois. Now they both enjoy doing paranormal investigations in residential and public buildings when called upon.
During their ministry they wrote many plays and skits. They took a troop of performers throughout southern California performing in churches and dinner theaters. Since they had a large family many of their vacations were full of adventure and misadventure. When they would return home from a vacation they would regale people with stories of their travels. People constantly told them “you should write a book”. Now many years later they decided to do just that.
Their first three novels, The O’Rourke Series, are mysteries. These books have both strong male and female characters. In this series of books old school detectives solve hi-tech crime. The O’Rourke team are diligent, loyal, fearless, honest and hard-working people. They are the stuff America is made of.
Book four of the O’Rourke Series is currently on the drawing board. .