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Part 1: CUTV News Radio Spotlights Dr. Susan Kavaler-Adler

  • Broadcast in Psychology
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New York, NY - Dr. Susan Kavaler-Adler is a clinical psychologist and a psychoanalytic psychotherapist, who has been practicing in lower Manhattan for more than 40 years.

Dr. Kavaler-Adler is distinguished by her ability to innovate and experiment in a session with a client, as well as to listen very deeply to the many levels of communication.

According to Dr. Kavaler-Adler, our interpretations of life come from the underlying psychic fantasies we carry with us. Uncovering your fantasy helps you have choices rather than compulsions.

This willingness to explore what’s possible in human psychology extends to her writing as well. She specializes in “Object Relations,” a school of thought that explores how the nature of our need for connection in relationships, which developed early in life, continues to affect our inner experience in the present. The author of 70 articles and 6 books, Dr. Kavaler-Adler is the Founder and the Executive Director of the Object Relations Institute, a state chartered educational institute that trains psychotherapists and psychoanalysts.

“One of my books, entitled "Mourning, Spirituality and Psychic Change: A New Object Relations View of Psychoanalysis,". discusses how, when people open up to grief, mourning and loss, they open up to all kinds of new possibilities. This 'developmental mourning' process awakens spirituality, creativity, and erotic passion.  Developmental mourning helps those in the process of psychotherapy to find their true voice, as the formerly blocked or inhibited parts of the person emerge with the depth of feeling, loving, and intimate relating."

For more information on Dr. Susan Kavaler-Adler, visit www.kavaleradler.com, and email drkavaleradler@gmail.com