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The School of Manifestation with Saryon Michael White

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
Spiritual Insights Radio

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Saryon Michael White’s lifelong devotion to the practice of channeling has led to extraordinary breakthroughs in consciousness that have helped make the invisible realms a much more accessible experience for his audience. What sets Saryon apart from other speakers on these subjects is his Integrity and his Credibility!

As an experienced guide in the subject of ET Contact, Saryon has facilitated contact in the field, and maintains telepathic contact with a number of ET guides. His work with the Arcturians is helping to prepare humanity for crossing new thresholds of awareness as we awakening into a Galactic Community.

Currently, Saryon anchors the School of Manifestation, a new dispensation of teachings from the Masters to educate humanity during its time of transition into a new age. 

Open Enrollment for the School of Manifestation 7 Month Telecourse Program.

Three Courses:

1) Allowing Divine Manifestation — An Introduction to Training with the Ascended Masters

2) Teachings from the Arcturians

3) Working Within Your Angelic Blueprint


The program starts on Sunday, July 27, 2014. If you are viewing the archive, please check the website for a current calendar of events.

Visit the website for more info or email Saryon at ChoosePeaceNow at aol.com. You can attend this teleseminar for a price that fits your budget or you can invite a friend to attend and split the cost. These courses make great gifts for loved ones, friends and graduates!

Saryon has been exploring nonphysical reality for more than two decades as an out-of-body traveler and is as knowledgeable about the unseen as any expert in any earthly field of study. He is an expert on the Afterlife and a reader of the Akashic Records.