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Zorra Call Updates, One Who Knows, Q&A and Healing

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
Zorra* Zaraya * Jane

Zorra* Zaraya * Jane


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Time to lift yourself higher and higher in the true reality of what is, the 5th Dimension. Why continue to wallow in the past of 3rd dimensional reality? There's so much love and joy flowing if one can only realize that there is heaven on earth NOW. Yes, we decide our reality daily by what you choose? Are you choosing always to send Love and Light where there is suffering and pain or do you bring yourself down to that level too? When things are still not up to your expectations and are feeling powerless, you are in 3-4 D. Who's in the drivers seat anyway? 

Since we know that the RV/GCR is not longer a question, are you truly ready. As for all the Intel News etc, always be discerning.  As Zorra says, go within to know the Truth and if it doe not resonate and brings you joy, leave it alone. Difficult sometimes to discern, but if the messages are compassionate, kind and loving without ego and  judmental attidutes then it is good. And if they conflict, let go and just observe because the Truth will always show itself to you when you are ready.  At this time, it is important to concentrate on your projects and to prepare.

It will be wonderful to hear again from our beloved Zorra to hear his updates and most importantly his guidance and teachings. Zaraya along with all of us are doing the best we can and we shall see what he wants to share with us.

One Who Knows, beloved Richard McKim, has been providing information and we shall see what's new from his perspective!

Of course, we will have tremendous healing energy flowing on this call as always. Healings and Q&A will be a part of our program this Saturday. See you soon.


Love, Zorra, Saraiya, Zaraya and Quazar







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