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We Coach TENNIS! - With Ryan Brandt

  • Broadcast in Sports



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This is the We Coach TENNIS radio show. We speak with different coaches and players each week exploring the profession of coaching tennis around the US and world. Tennis is a lifetime sport enjoyed by many people across the world. We explore the ways in which tennis coaches develop players.

We explore what motivates tennis coaches.

We look at tennis news from around the world and discuss current policy and how it affects the ways in which coaches operate.

We highlight the often forgotten and neglected tennis coaches and professionals from around the world. If we can find those special and terrific coaches that are not on the world stage we will and we will try and get a glimpse into what makes them important to their students. 

Read more: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/yellaballnetwork/2014/08/19/we-coach-tennis#ixzz3BMmoP8Fp

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