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You know, like that category on "Jeopardy" that they have for answers that don't easily fit in a complete category, or are left over from a previous show. Maybe we should just call it "The Leftover Show," but then you'd think you'd stumbled on the worst-cooking-show-EVER (and you'd be right!)
No, tonight is just a jumbled mess. Luckily for you, it will probably be a short show. Kurtis is back to talk about his adventures in the wild midwest. We are also going to find out if he has jury duty tomorrow. Yep. The Worst Show on the Web BrainTrust has officially run out of ideas.
Actually, we will be previewing our coverage of Pop Con LA, and the International Television Festival. Both are taking place July 5th through July 8th at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
Bringing you the worst in meaningless, random conversation and web talk radio... guaranteed!