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01/02/12 - "The Internet Controversy Show!"

  • Broadcast in Comedy



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Who is the most reviled man in the public relations / gaming worlds right now?  Paul Christoforo, that's who!  He is the president of a PR company which (until recently) represented the makers of a pretty cool Playstation controller (the Avenger.)  When an exchange of his emails with a complaining customer were posted to the site penny-acade.com last week (a VERY POPULAR gaming-themed comic and blog,) all hell broke loose.  His emails went  viral and almost immediately the backlash began.  Who is Paul Christoforo and what is really going on behind the scenes? Why not have the man himself answer those questions? Paul Christoforo will be our guest this hour to talk about what happened, what his response and responsibility has been, and what it is like being an overnight focus of a negative meme - AND we'll be taking YOUR phone calls live!   Bringing you the absolute worst in internet gaming-themed negative meme reporting and web talk radio... guaranteed!

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