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11/02/09 - "The 'Yes Men' Show"

  • Broadcast in Comedy



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What? An entire show dedicated to those brown-nosing, sycophantic blowhards who surround the boss and prevent him/her from hearing the real truth? Not exactly. Tonight's show will feature the "Yes Men" (also known as Andy Bichlbaum and Mike Bonanno,) two gentlemen who have an unusual hobby. They pose as top executives of corporations they reallllly hate and expose the dirty machinations of the corporate world. These activist filmmakers/corporate troublemakers will join our show to talk about their latest film, "THE YES MEN FIX THE WORLD," which opens in Los Angeles on November 6th. The film details such brazen exploits as their posing as representatives from Dow Chemical on the BBC and their attempt to sell a new biofuel made by Exxon from the human victims of climate change. The film's powerful message is both hilarious and thought provoking. It was our favorite documentary at last year's SXSW Film Festival. This will be the worst interview in which they've ever participated. Bringing you the worst in webtalkradio - guaranteed!

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