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We are pleased, honored and excited to announce that we will be interviewing the talented Haven screen writer Shernold Edwards on Saturday December 07, 2013 at 9:00 Pacific Standard Time when you can call 347-838-9722 and chat with our special guest, a gifted producer, writer and creator of television and movie magic!
Shernold Edwards is no stranger to admirers of dramatic television of many genre's including mystery, science fiction, supernatural, and music!
We have been granted the awesome privilege of interviewing Ms. Edwards the morning following the Wormhole bar barn busting 12th episode of Haven, "When The Bough Breaks!"
We look forward to you joining the talented Shernold Edwards on WHR You Decide on Saturday December 07, 2013 at 9 AM Pacific Standard Time to discuss her career, her screen writing, especially in the 9th and 12th episode of Haven season four, and without doubt, her selection of