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In this special edition of our program, Patricia and I have teamed up to perform the research for the feature article for one of the most talented actors of our age, Doug Jones, who we are honored to interview and will be here to chat with you at 347-838-9722 this Sunday October 06, 2013 at 10 AM Pacific time! Let it be known that Doug Jones is a crusader, fighting to help stop the horrible menace of Child Sexual Abuse! As our special guest on WHR You Decide this Sunday, Jones has chosen the very sensitive subject of child slavery and sexual abuse of children in America. Doug has worked tirelessly with Street Grace of Atlanta Georgia to combat this horrific crime against the most vulnerable in our society.
As Doug wrote to us;
"The problem (of child sexual slavery) is multi-leveled, as there are the business pimps using the kids, there's the customer base driving the business, and there's the kids who are in a position to be lured in. So many angles to attack from. When it comes to the kids themselves, the deteriorating family unit is of special concern to me. So this subject matter of parents and their children grabs my heart when I'm looking at film projects. "
We will discuss his 2010 film, The Candy Shop, and encourage you to help stop the horrendous practice of Child Sexual Abuse. Thank you.