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Spoken Heard Radio with guest Katrina Brook Flores

  • Broadcast in Poetry



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Join Susan Dobbe Chase as she Talks to Katrina Brook Flores www.blogtalkradio.com/worldwideword 1pm pacific 2pm central 4pm eastern Katrina Brook Flores is a poet, educator, visual artist and organizer. She is currently working on her Master's in Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She has worked with First Wave as the Arts-In-Education Director, been on the Madison Adult National Slam Team, and Coached the National Collegiate Slam Team at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Flores also co-Directs the Breakin' the Law International Festival of Urban Movement. Recently, she has been working with an organization called A Peoples' MOVEment to create dialogue and action around how people of color will be affected by the Budget Repair Bill and Walk

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