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Our fantastic guest for Monday night is Cody Robert Judy. Cody resides in Ogden Utah, a business owner and graduate of Utah State with a degree in Psychology. Cody grew up in a ranching and farming atmosphere in where he learned the lessons of independence, hard work, self determination and self reliance.
Cody, a presidential candidate and conservative patriot with a passion for constitutional principles and rule of law will discuss his latest court challenge seen on Postandemail, and many other news sites. What makes this guest subject matter very interesting is the 10th circuit is preparing to discuss opening an appeal to a challenge Cody Robert made regarding Obama's eligibility previously.
Having a high court revisit a case of this caliber is monumental and could very well have earth shaking reverberations. Not a single court in the land so far has allowed anyone a fair platform of discovery. Indeed some who have ran for president eliminating the fictitious "standing" rule and filed charges questioning Obama's legitimacy have been summarily dismissed as having been "Twittered, fact checked, and snoped" as one biased and clueless Judge said
It takes courage, grit, and intelligence to challenge this illegitimate squatter at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. and Cody Judy isn't the only one who is questioning Obama's credentials no matter what our detached and clueless congress and senate says. Their inaction on this subject is exactly what Col. Larry Sellin said, "by congress not investigating Obama's proven forgeries, they are institutionalizing criminal behavior"
Call in or chat with us on WOBC Monday eve and let's see what we can learn from Cody. "Could this be the break we've been looking for?"