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Still traveling at the mercy of the winds of change via hotels and motel.... Ascended Master Afra whose very vibration and name is held in the continent of Africa is the choice given from the ascended masters for the return of our karmic return on the 23rd this month. Ascended Master Afra is not only an ascended master but also a master alchemist who shares the same love of the the violet flame, the vibrations of Freedom and is considered the brother of Saint Germain. In fact Saint Germain and Ascended Master Afra consider Afra the "Black Saint Germain".
Afra comes in representation of all Americans wherever they are found via the light of the heart, but also comes in representation of the Purple, Violet, Blue, races. The purple, violet and blue races were the original coloring of the outer aura of the races now understood as black and brown. So the understanding that has been given is that through misure of the Divine Mothers energy of sound and the alchemy of the sacred word and the misuse of the music of the spheres the denigration of the races transpired along with the loss of the connectivity with the impetus of the Three fold flame and the heart centeredness of which Afra upheld unto the ascension. ...
This mighty Master is still along with many others including Jesus sponor of this continent and her people... holding the light and the energy needed to bring all souls everywhere back to the gentle way of the heart to the Divine Mother and therefore back to the karmic clarity of Loving as we have been loved - in joy and celebration through the song, music and the diviniity of the Word living in All.