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Archanel Gabriel and Holy Hope give us resonations as the understanding of the bridge of Light which is also the antahkarana of Light. We are being given the awareness of ourselves as God and the Holy Christ Light being Chrystallized into our beings and worlds. And through the pranic tube within us we are led to hold the vibration the currents of Light within and without of our consciousness and therefore through the outer Tube of Light and the inner Tube of Light. We were also given understanding of the newest triangulation of the Light with us, the Throat, the Third Eye and the Medula Oblonganta...
We will spend durations of sacred space raising each other to higher dimensions of Being through resonation heart to heart. Have you traversed the fields of love that empower you to the illumination within? Have you set your course for the stars and come to realize that you're the ultimate destiny? Do you find that there is a unique aspect of you, that you long to share? Have you always been a mystic at heart? Then come and share the hearth fires of the heart where God rises as the flaming phoenix within all as One.