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Jesus and Saint Germain came and gave resonation today regarding the returning portion of Karma today and as it is well known in the ascended masters realm; the penumbra of the 23rd of the month also. The penumbra being three days before and after the 23rd of the month. They will hold us in the perfection of the Ruby ray and therefore only in 100% of the Light and this will also be held for our beloved twinflames...
Jesus gave deeper understanding of the KJV 1John Chapters 3 and Chapters 4; this is in resonation with the likeness of our own self image as God as Christ. And these teachings furthered the understanding of the diamond light at the crux of the three-fold-flame of our blessed hearts of Light...40 mins of Violet Flame together in this archive... Three hours were asked to be forthcoming for our entering into the work of the light of the world...
WE give
We will spend durations of sacred space raising each other to higher dimensions of Being through resonation heart to heart. Have you traversed the fields of love that empower you to the illumination within? Have you set your course for the stars and come to realize that you're the ultimate destiny? Do you find that there is a unique aspect of you, that you long to share? Have you always been a mystic at heart? Then come and share the hearth fires of the heart where God rises as the flaming phoenix within all as One.