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Revolutionary Brain Discoveries for Success!

  • Broadcast in Self Help
SCREAM Louder Radio

SCREAM Louder Radio


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In the last 10 years there has been an explosion of revolutionary brain research discoveries. Scientists ,using never before available brain imaging tools, can see things in the brain that have never been seen before. Armed with these new tools scientists are now discoverings facts about the human brain and you that until recently was the stuff of science fiction. If you learn about some of these discoveries in brain research and learn and apply techniques and skills based on these discoveries you can expect a lifetime of greater achievements, and a reduced risk of cognitive loss, memory loss, and Alzheimer's itself! Join me on our journey through the brain research (in words you and I can understand); into the skills, techniques and habits that you can implement based on this brain research (and a schedule to do just that) and the results you can expect to obtain in the form of greater productivity, better memory, better performance, achievements and success!

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