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The Middle East Revolutions and Their Impact on Women's Rights

  • Broadcast in Politics
Western Word Radio

Western Word Radio


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Join Avi Davis when he moderates AFA's fourth conference of the air which will address the impact of the recent revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Bahrain, the impact they may have on the lives of women in the Muslim world and why that outcome is important. With Ida Lichter, Nonie Darwish, Wafa Sultan, Elham Yaghoubian, Azam Kamguian, Azar Majedi, Raheel Reza, Qanta Ahmed, Zeyno Baran, Christine Crowstaff, Hasima Safi and Ferial Masry. For full biographies see the Conference web page http://www.americanfreedomalliance.org/newsletter/lectures/Middle-East-Revolutions.htm

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