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Riane Eisler on Caring Equals Prosperity..Partnership Not Domination

  • Broadcast in Women
Karen Tate

Karen Tate


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As a book-end to last week's show with socialist economist Richard Wolf, I have returning to the show, visionary, author and foremother, Riane Eisler, author of the famous and inspirational books, The Chalice and the Blade and Our Real Wealth.  Riane will discuss caring economics and why corporations would actually benefit from these practices rather than the predator capitalistic values employees have had imposed upon them.  We'll also discuss the topic raised in The Chalice and the Blade, namely "Domination vs Partnership" and the need for the shift toward the latter so there's a better quality of life for the most of us.  We'll chat about SWEIs - new economic indicators that are a better gauge of how people are doing than GDP which fails to show the vast income disparity so many are suffering from.  Riane will talk about the plight of women and the poverty they and their children still face, and not just in third world countries, but here in the United States, which does not bode well for any of our futures if we don't start forcing our political leaders to institute laws that promote REAL family values, and more caring and sharing of our national treasure so that its invested in people and life sustaining practices rather than war and corporate welfare.

Learn how caring actually equals prosperity and stop drinking the Kool-Aid of trickle down economics!