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Near Death Experience (NDE) The Stories of Stephen & Mary

  • Broadcast in Health
TheDoctors RadioShow

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Stephen J Damroth: I was awakened just a few minutes later to see my brother standing over me with a knife (an eighteen-inch, double edged knife complete with a blood gutter) and the knife was descending. I grabbed at the knife out of instinct, but due to both his Superior position as well as my groggy state, I barely managed to slow the blade in its penetration of my chest.


Mary Deioma: On March 29, 2001, I experienced a moment of Enlightenment. I was driving my car Northbound on the 405 freeway and having a conversation with God. The moment couldn't have taken more than a second and a half. I was fully conscious. Just as I reached the Fairview Exit I opened my heart to God.

In that instant a beam of pure white came down out of the sky and came through my windshield and touched me on my right shoulder; my intellect seemed to observe everything objectively from the passenger seat perspective.

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