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2 Timothy 2:25 In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;
“Honor Thy Father…”, the fifth commandment given by God to the children of Israel. Do people really understand what it means to honor our father according to the Bible? Is there a difference between the honor that the Bible speaks of and the examples of honor that we have come to embrace? What makes a man worthy of receiving the honor of a father? Is it money, social status, swagger or something else? What lessons did Jesus teach about honoring our father? Join us as we search the scriptures to find the answers to these questions and more.
We air programs on Blog Talk Radio at the following times: Sun 2:00pm, Mon 8:00pm, Tue 8:00pm, Wed 7:00pm, Thur 8:00pm, Fri 7:00pm & Sat 9:00am. All times are Eastern Standard Time.