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The Grind Talk Show "Revenge, is it worth the Karma?"

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The Grind Talk Radio 

"Revenge, is it worth the Karma?"
Monday 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm (MST) 
Host: Dr. Kim & Duane Bluestein
Show Link:  http://www.blogtalkradio.com/riseuptalkradio/2015/11/23/the-grind-talk-show-revenge-is-it-worth-the-karma
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The Grind "Revenge, is it worth the Karma?" The Grind almost always involves unequal relationships, where one partner does more than others.  What about those instances where unfairness ends in conflict and legal issues?  How do we on the grind handle unfairness in our team and in our business dealings? Join Dr. Kim and Duane Bluestein as we discuss the challenges in business where unfairness or accountability becomes an issue.

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