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Breakthroughs in Neuroscience and Negotiation

  • Broadcast in Business
Lisa Pasbjerg

Lisa Pasbjerg


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Have you noticed the recent upsurge in interest about neuroscience-the science of the brain?

New methods of study have provided scientists with information which has been previously unknown to us and the results are fascinating!  Recent finds about brain plasticity, even in later years have generated lots of interest in how the brain works and how to improve and maintain its performance. 

Join us tonight as executive coach and CEO of Focused Coaching, LLC interviews Jonathan Jordan, social neuroscientist, international speaker and expert in brain-based training on the latest news in neuroscience as it relates to the key leadership task of negotiation. Discover the power of the focused brain, how to become a better communicator with anyone, and, find out how you can use your brain and your knowledge of brain-science to become a better negotiator tonight!


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