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Heart of a Toastmaster Sheryl Roush Author Speaker

  • Broadcast in Business
Strategies of Success Brian

Strategies of Success Brian


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Sheryl Roush has created a collection of Heart-centered books and has a program that she can bring to a group.

Our conversation focuses on The Heart of a Toastmaster. The lessons will focus on the passion, desire and determination you must have to make your dreams a reality.

Sheryl Roush realized early on that there must be a better way of doing business. Perhaps one where there was more “heart” … a place where people would willingly bring their talents to work. If staff was happier and could express themselves assertively, they felt better about themselves


Sparkle Presentations, Inc.
Based in San Diego, CA, USA
P.O. Box 2373, La Mesa, CA 91943
Phone: (858) 569-6555

Strategies of Success Host
Brian A Cohen DTM

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