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The Spin It Social Hour with Andrew Scrivani

  • Broadcast in Photography
Straight Talk w Dean and Marc

Straight Talk w Dean and Marc


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On Today's Spin It Social Hour LIVE, I am thrilled to bring on the amazing Andrew Scrivani. Photographer/Director/Producer, and author of That Photo Makes Me Hungry, and long time New York Times contributor. I always had to have something to eat after editing his work when I was at the NYT. FYI, all of Andrew's photos will make you hungry too! I am on a mission to spread the word about photographers around the world through my social media and visual work. We are all in this TOGETHER! Our photo community is getting hit hard financially right now, and for many creatives, their work has come to a grinding halt. I am on a mission to help get their name out there more as this crisis continues to affect so many, so that when things stabilize they might be in a somewhat better position to get back on track. Please join us!

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