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Guest Host: Dan Willis
Dr. Ted Loder is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of New Hampshire where he taught classes in the field of chemical oceanography (retired in 2005). He was also a member of the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space at UNH. Dr. Loder had a life-long interest in UFO phenomena and related energy issues. He has briefed NASA and NSF scientists and U.S. Congressional and Senatorial staff members on Anti-Gravity, Over Unity Energy, Super-Luminal and Consciousness Communicaiton, Medical, and Consciousness implications of ET Contact.
In 2000, at the request of Senator Bob Smith (R-NH), Dr. Loder organized a briefing for the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee with six other energy experts. The subject concerned "Outside-the-Box" technologies, their critical role concerning environmental trends, and the unnecessary energy crisis. Dr. Loder was also a member of the Space Colonization Technical Committee for the AIAA from 2002 to 2005. Dr. Loder is a co-author (with Dr. Greer) of the Disclosure Briefing Document (nearly 500pp.), made available to the press and members of the government at the Disclosure Project™ press conference at the National Press Club on May 9, 2001. He also co-authored The Energy Briefing document ( sent to President Obama. Recently, Dr. Loder presented a paper assessing the development of electrogravitic research over the past 50 years and implications of this technology (available at: Dr. Loder has researched and tested new energy technologies.
Audio heavily editied to make it understandable. Content very important!