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Creation is complete and provides us with everything required to sustain life infinitely. It is up to us to embrace possibility or to settle for something less. Spirit Speaks Blog Post- Real Medicine, Real Self Healing is based on this principle. Then go and read Kathleen Gould's Bio and Article Enjoy the show.
Kathleen Gould's inspiration, passion and dedication to herbal healing stemmed from her maternal need to provide her family a chance at living a complete and healthy life.
She began her journey in the early 1980's when her Son was diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed Ritalin. After several days of taking the Ritalin, she noticed that he no longer acted like a 3 year old. He had no appetite and his energy level had been significantly reduced. This personal experience propelled Kathleen to seek answers and to begin her life long quest for natural health. Her son and daughter, now 32 and 25 years old, rely solely on herbal medicine.