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Sonja Grace was destined to write Become an Earth Angel: A Guide to Finding Your Wings to assist those emerging souls who are searching for answers and hoping to discover their path of service and their spiritual connection to the divine. Through her own extraordinary case studies, Sonja reveals what it is like to do the work of an earth angel and how she has used her gifts to locate missing people, conduct long distance healing and council a myriad of international clients. Readers are taken on a journey into the angelic realms.
Mystic Healer & Energy Surgeon, Sonja Grace offers healing, counseling and spiritual processing, Sonja channes and communicates with the divine. She sees and receives messages from loved ones who have crossed over and offers a venue for healing in this world and the spirit world. Her ability to read and clear the karmic threads to past lives helps clients heal lifetimes of patterns.
Sonja Grace is the author of Become an Earth Angel: A Guide to Finding Your Wings and Angels in the 21st century. She has two new film series Earth Angel and Earth Ways. She offers private healing sessions and spirit communication sessions.