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Join us, Debbie Edwards and Marcus Leader for an exclusive presentation on the HomoLuminous Children- the New Children of Light and learn more about the physics and spirituality behind these gifted children.
More and more children are born with extraordinary capabilities from heightened precise telepathy, to detailed precognition, healing abilities, memories of Heaven, understanding of a higher God consciousness, vivid past life recall and much more!
Learn the spiritual AND scientific sides of why our children are progressing beyond all prior human potentials and learn more about their purpose, their abilities and how we, as parents, caregivers and teachers, can assist these beautiful beings on their path to healing humanity and our planet. Learn ways to identify their traits and characterisitics, and discover new ways to work with them to help them achieve their highest potentials.
Marcus is an Astronomer, a private researcher in human consciousness for the Monroe Institute ( TMI ), and a Toltec shaman trained for eight years in a one on one apprenticeship. He has spent over three decades researching parapsychology and the paranormal world from the logical and analytical perspective of a scientist mixed with the enlightened awareness of a Toltec shaman.He also hosts a weekly radio show where he discusses much of his experiences and research called The Shaman’s Brew on
Debbie is an international spiritual medium, author, artist and radio show host. Please explore her website: