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Addiction: Choosing Behavior that Is Consistent and Most Often Adverse to Our Well-Being! What Will it Take to Recognize My Addictive, Adverse Behavioral Choices...and What Will It Take to Stop Them?
Am I An Addict? Am I Addicted? What Adverse Addictive Behavior Have I Chosen and that Perhaps I Have Refused to Face and Rid Myself of; that May be Hurting Me and/or My Loved Ones? How will I know if I am addicted to something that is adverse to me, to my life, to my well being, to my success, and/or adverse to something or someone else? What can I do to change this behavior? What if I am afraid of the truth about my addictive behavioral choices? What can I choose to find the courage to look at them truthfully, to be honest with myself, and then choose whatever is necessary to get rid of this behavior once and for all? What are the positive possibilities in this matter of addiction? What will it take to make mine and my loved one's life better by removing adverse addictions from the equation of our life and living? Come Walk with Me as We Explore the Unlimited Possibilities to Overcome Anything!