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Lost Arts Radio Show #219 - Special Guest Paul Preston

  • Broadcast in Health
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Today, many things about California are unrecognizable. The quality of education is gone. Schools are socialist brainwashing centers. They teach how to be blind to the ongoing destruction of society, how to believe everything should be free, how bigger government, total surveillance and control will keep us safe, how national sovereignty and health freedom are bad, how you should be disarmed for your own safety, how to be diverse and open to terrorism from gangs and religious fanatics, how to not know what gender you are, and how to be racist and sexist, while thinking you are fighting fascism. The state is in serious financial trouble, thanks government leaders who have done a great job destroying the economy. Taxes and regulations are at ridiculous levels, and the state government is in a state of insurrection against the US Constitution, protecting violent criminals and illegal aliens, who are actually encouraged to vote, so that the state's suicide can proceed as planned.

Some residents in the northern parts of the State have suggested breaking away into their own independent unit, leaving the rest of the state to continue its own destruction. Some have said its name will soon need to be changed to something more fitting, perhaps "Calizuela." But educator and innovator Paul Preston had a better idea. Why not start a new state based on the American founding principles of freedom and a republican form of government (guaranteed by the US Constitution). New Californa would be America's 51st state, and the remainder of the original California would still be there. A course would be set for it to also come back to economic and social health. See the plan in more detail at www.newcaliforniastate.com.

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