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Lost Arts Radio Show #188 - Special Guest James Robert Deal

  • Broadcast in Health
Lost Arts Radio

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James Robert Deal is a Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate from the state of Washington. I received a request to have him on the show, and spent some time looking at his web site (www.jamesrobertdeal.org). My impression was that he was sincere and honest, very rare these days in politics, and his book, What To Serve A Goddess When She Comes To Dinner (www.whattoserveagoddess.com) also looked unique and interesting. We talk a lot about food from a health perspective on Lost Arts Radio, but I have never encountered a "theology of food," and knew I would need to talk to James to understand what that is. So I invited James to come on the show, and he graciously said he would join us.

I am reading as much of his book as I can before the show, and we will get into detail on what it says during the show discussion. Also I am very interested to hear from a sincere Green Party candidate more about not only the environmental issues for which the Party is named, but also the social and economic perspectives that James is promoting for America. Personally, I have been a strong environmental advocate for more than 50 years, but many of the social and economic policies of the Green Party conflict with what seems true to me. So this is a great opportunity to understand better what these policies mean and where they come from. I like to learn from people of all points of view, and I recommend we all do that as much as possible, since as humans we all have the same common interest of making life better for present and future generations. We should be able to work together to accomplish that, instead of falling for the total division and animosity that our mainstream corporate media is pushing on us every day.

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