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We are excited and pleased that this Sunday we get to enjoy the return of Dr. Gabriel Cousens (, brilliant holistic physician. Dr. Cousens is also a world-famous psychiatrist, treating his patients with natural approaches instead of the usual toxic drugs. On this installment of Dr. Cousens' ongoing exclusive series for Lost Arts Radio, he will discuss with us the widespread occurrence of depression in America and world-wide. We will talk about what are the real causes of this epidemic and what are the natural cures available to us for turning the tide on this dangerous situation that affects all aspects of our lives. If you have ever wondered what are the underlying reasons so many of us struggle with depression now (millions in America take anti-depressant drugs daily), if you can relate to this as an issue in your own life, if you are not satisfied with the medical drug culture that encourages us to stay unaware of where this problem comes from, you will definitely want to be with us as Dr. Cousens clarifies where depression really comes from, and how to replace it with the type of life we were designed to live.
Join me, your host Richard Sacks, every week for fascinating discussions, amazing guests and useful information that you will not want to miss. If you want to support the work of Lost Arts Research Institute, please donate to our efforts at, and tell others about the show. On the radio show website ( you will find links to the radio show archives, our articles, educational resources, announcements, and other features you will enjoy and learn from. Be sure to sign up for our free newsletter too.