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In this episode we discuss:
-Sacred sexuality.
- Accepting the shadow self.
- The Law of Squares and its relation to Metcalfe's Law.
- The Seth material.
TO SUBMIT QUESTIONS LIVE DURING THE BROADCAST OF THE SHOW (1) Call (646) 595-2294. You will be able to listen to the show through your phone but your microphone will be muted.
If you would like to be unmuted so that you can ask Carla & Crew a question live on-air, press the "1" key on your phone at any time. This sends a signal to the hosts. When there is an opening, we will unmute you and address you by area code so that you know you have been unmuted. TO SUBMIT QUESTIONS AT ANY TIME: (2) Go to the Bring4th forums at, click on the " In the Now – Q&A with Carla and Crew ", and post to the "Submitting Questions" thread. (
(3) Send an email to the "contact" address on this page: If possible, Carla requests that the question focus upon the spiritual principles of evolution. However, Carla and team will not turn a question away if outside this parameter. In general, our responses will be spiritually oriented in nature, often utilizing information taken from the L/L Research material of the last 35+ years.