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"Living Right for Your Type"


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There are symptoms, and then there are the issues that cause them! "Every human being comes complete with a behavioral and personality map already programmed into their brain." Join me as I explore how this effects the Personal and Professional relationships in our daily lives. To just listen by phone dial (718)508-9226 you will then be placed into a caller queue where you hear the conversation without being heard. To be heard and join the conversation press 1. Please leave a comment in the comment box near the bottom of this page. Click follow for show time reminders to be sent to your email. Thank you for sharing and listening! For more information visit: www.livingrightforyourtype.com

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Call us Toll Free (877) 257-6526 I hope you'll mark your calender and join me for this next program. I've read over 400 hundred books in the last 25 years looking for everything that is in one book recently written by Josh Kaufman,... more

Challenges arise mostly when we don't own who we are . . . . ."Every human being comes complete with a behavioral and personality map already programmed into their brain." Join my guests and I, as we explore how this... more

At the base behavioral and personality style level people are not going to change their mode of operation. There are symptoms, and then there are the issues that cause them! "Every human being comes complete with a behavioral and... more

At the base behavioral and personality style level people are not going to change their mode of operation. There are symptoms, and then there are the issues that cause them! "Every human being comes complete with a behavioral and... more

Goals, projections, plans, lists, intent . . . . different personality, different approach! 10 things I want in a mate, job, home, city, career . . . . . ..

Goal setting is something we do to make 1/4th of the personality types happy! Make plans, based on projections of what is needed, (even if it's profit) then work the plan. Yes I said work the plan. Goals are not plans and plans are not... more

Can someone say the "F" word? You know failure! Plans set people up for success, goals set people up for failure. Stop setting goals for 2011, for most you it's an enormous waste of time out of your life you will never get back. And... more

A "safe" relationship is a relationship where you can express your needs and fears without concern for reprisal and effectively resolve issues without defensiveness, blame, anger and conflict. There are symptoms, and then there... more

Uncover issues, get answers, and get on with your life! Real answers, for real people, with real application! BUSINESS: What is your most pressing, Management, Sales, or Workplace need??? RELATIONSHIPS: What is your... more

Uncover issues, get answers, and get on with your life! Real answers, for real people, with real application! BUSINESS: What is your most pressing, Management, Sales, or Workplace need??? RELATIONSHIPS: What is your... more

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