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The ROAD TO RECOVERY Hosted by Daniel Czuba working to bring Recovery out of ...

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..the Darkness of Denial into the Light of Acceptance and Assistance, Help & Ultimately Recovery.

This coming weeks guest/s will be members of an Organization called YOUNG LIFE, a Christian Based organization dedicated to providing guidence and leadership to todays youth. I am very excited to receive these Guests and to learn the depths they would be willing to intercede with todays youth in order to give them sound direction in todays less than sound world.

From what I saw to date - these Guys are great and I for one want to know more about whatthey do to help our chidlren today. Heroin Deaths are up at a Record Level -  EPIDEMIC to say the very least.

If we don't start doing something to stem the Tide of Suicides & Accidental Overdoses - we won't have much of a Youthful Society to share our futures with.

Join us this coming Sunday from 7 to 9 PM as we welcome new ideas and acknowledge sound Leadership of those making a difference in our world. Talk is one thing - ACTION SPEAKS MUCH LOUDER THAN WORDS.

Our call-in number is 323-580-5755 and we welcome ALL CALLERS, Have Question? A Comment? A Story to share? Possibly even Criticism for something you heard, CALL IN - WE'D LOVE TO HEAR YOUR FEEDBACK OF HOW WE ARE DOING. We are NOT Doctors, or Counselors, or Therapists, of any type of Professional in the field of Recoevry - HOWEVER we EACH WORK A PROGRAM OF OUR OWN IN RECOVERY FROM OUR ADDICTION AND WE ARE HERE TO SHARE WITH YOU WHAT WORKED FOR US!!.

Remember to join us every Sunday Evening from 7 to 9 PM CST (Central Standard Time) We are in our 5th year of successful Broadcasting our own personal EXPERIENCE - STRENGTH & HOPE to anyone willing to listen and perhaps learn / grow. By the way - on September 11th our Special Guest will be Angelica Bianca with her incredible story of courage - you won't want to miss this!!